Admission into the MA or Doctoral Program in Hindu Studies
In this course students will be able to:
The Shaddarshanas – Introduction to Hindu Philosophy course will commence with an overview of Indian philosophy, its history, and its cultural context in relation to the Veda and Upaniṣads. Through the study of Darśana Śāstra, the epistemological, metaphysical, and ethical theories of each school of philosophy will be critically reviewed, and their major differences will be compared and contrasted.
By learning the Darśana Śāstra, we can delve into the Hindu philosophical tradition, which comprises a plethora of rigorous philosophical dialogues. These dialogues are undogmatic and open to different pathways and approaches in the pursuit of knowledge. The goal of this course is to understand and explore different philosophical approaches to concepts such as change, causation, creation, God, karma, Ātman, and Brahman.
Although each of the nine schools of philosophy has its unique approach and analysis of reality, their common goal is to overcome human suffering and attain Mokṣa, Nirvāṇa, or Kaivalya. This course will have three major components of learning:
Through this course, students will explore the metaphysical, epistemological, ontological, and ethical arguments proposed by the nine traditions of philosophy in India. It will help them understand the philosophical undercurrents of ancient Hindu civilization.
The class structure for this course is designed to foster learning, self-study, reflection, and discussion on a weekly basis. Students are expected to attend and actively participate in a minimum of three contact hours with the faculty every week unless there are emergency circumstances. At the end of the Shaddarshanas course, students will be required to present a paper to the class, which will be followed by a discussion with their peers and faculty.
The grading for the course will be based on the following ratios:
o 10% for formative assessment.
o 20% for mid-semester assignments.
o 50% for the final paper, and
o 20% for attendance, participation, and discussion in class.
This grading system is intended to ensure that students are fully engaged with the material and have ample opportunities to demonstrate their understanding and critical thinking
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