$350.00 – $415.00
This course is part of the following programs:
Successful completion of Intermediate phase (SAN0204)
In this course the students will be able to:
In this course, the student will be exposed to ātmanepadi, ubhayapadi, transitive and intransitive verb roots, and their forms in various lakāras (tenses and moods). They are introduced to sandhis (coalescence of two letters coming in immediate contact with each other) and the classification of svara-sandhis (vowel sandhis). Additionally, students will gain insight into the lives of esteemed Saṃskṛtam poets beginning with Ādikavi-Vālmikiḥ, Vyāsaḥ, and Māghaḥ through their kaviparicayaḥ. Furthermore, the students will be guided step-by-step through anvaya-kramaḥ (the traditional way of parsing a poem) for a few simple ślokāḥ. They learn active and passive voice usage in all the lakāras they have learned thus far. This quarter they will study the first four vibhakti (declensions of nouns) in halanta-puṃliṅga (masculine bases ending in consonant sounds). They will also learn the fundamentals of story writing.
There will be a minimum of 1.5 contact hours with one or more faculty every week. The class is structured in a way that promotes discussion and learning based on self-study and reflection each week. There will be regular homeworks which will need to be submitted and final quarter end assignment for successful completion of the course.
This course is the part of the program – Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency – Advanced Phase. We strongly recommend registering for the complete phase consisting of 4 quarters.
$350.00 – $415.00
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