This course is part of the following programs:
Admission into a Program of Study
In this course students will be able to:
Students will learn how to assess your own mind-body constitution (Prakruti) & imbalances and apply the learning to counseling a client’s individual Prakruti. Know how to help yourself, friends, family and your counseling clients with Ayurvedic Diet, Herbs, Yoga & Life-style changes. Explore Ayurvedic ways to maintain a balance between body, mind, and spirit for wellness promotion and disease prevention. You will also learn about the digestive fire and understand the basics of Ayurveda Diet & Nutrition.
There will be a minimum of 1.5 contact hour with the faculty every week. The curriculum will include reading, reflection, observation, and interactive practices. The class time will include 30 minutes that will provide an opportunity for Q&A and group discussion.
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On the program page, there are multiple payment plan options to choose from.