"As a Hindu, I feel what the Hindu University is doing is invaluable to Hinduism generally and to India. HUA...
This Chakra Healing course is part of the following program:
In this Chakra healing course the students will be able to:
Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit. In yoga this wheel represents the circle of life flowing through all aspects of existence. At the inner core of each of us, there spins 7 wheel-like energy centers called chakras. The concept of Chakras has existed in India since the time of Vedas (6 century BC).
Chakras are organizing centers for reception, assimilation and transmission of life energies. When we understand that our body is a vehicle of consciousness, chakras become the wheels of life that carry this vehicle through its trials and transformations within our body and mind. Chakra healing course will help you integrate this ancient system of chakras with modern medicine to give you sufficient understanding of how it works and why it becomes the key to understanding the causes of several modern-day illnesses.
Also, in today’s world where our minds stay disconnected from the planet, heritage or anything spiritual, such an understanding becomes crucial to reclaiming our wholeness.
10-week course description:
Total faculty student interaction per week is 1.5 hours. Classes will be structured in such a way that practical demonstrations (asanas, pranayama, meditation) are half hour which students are expected to follow, theoretical knowledge sharing via posts and writing boards will be half hour and Q & A in the end will be for half hour. All students are encouraged to keep the questions in the last half hour to encourage discussions and debates.
Those of you who are unable to sit on a mat or unable to sit down on the floor you will be learning many simpler asanas using the chair including surya namaskar with chair. The class is of essentially a free format which allows students or teachers to extend the time of the sessions if need be based on the content being discussed.
The students are also encouraged to do self study via the podcasts and books shared by the teacher much ahead of time which can be additional tools to ensure long term daily practices (sadhana). To make sure you are able to do the asanas and pranayamas and meditation with ease it is advisable to be on an empty stomach for a minimum 2 hours prior to the sessions. It’s also advisable to wear something comfortable like yoga pants and T-shirts for the sessions to allow easier movements while in sessions.
Students will take a MCQ (multiple choice question) quiz once in 2 weeks and they are allowed to retake the quiz if errors occur. During the Chakra healing course, students will be required to submit 1 or 2 short essays. They need not be academic quality papers but should be based on students’ self-reflection on what they have learned and assimilated so far.
Selected essays may qualify for being published on the university’s website. Also students are encouraged to email the teacher via the google group or forum at any time during or after the program if questions arise and she believes in establishing a personal relationship with every student for better understanding of the subject.
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On the program page, there are multiple payment plan options to choose from.