This course is part of the following programs:
Some exposure to the Vēdānta śāstra and ability to read Sanskrit
In this course students will be able to:
The Daksinamurtistotram by Adi Sankara consisting of ten stanzas is a profound Vedantic text expounding the various tenets of Vedanta. The hymns are in praise of Lord Dakṣiṇāmūrti visualized as the embodiment of Self-knowledge. Hence, the text describes the reality of the Self as the limitless Brahman in ten verses which are linked together in such a way leading to the discernment of the one indivisible reality threading through the individual self, the world, and the causal principle, Īśvara.
The text pulls together the philosophical content of the Upaniṣads, the Bhagavad Gītā and the Brahmasūtras – the three core pillars of Vedantic knowledge and presents a comprehensive summary. The profundity of the ten verses inspired Surēśvarācārya, a well-known disciple of Ādi Śaṅkara, to write a lengthy commentary (vārtika) known as Mānasōllāsa, meaning that which invigorates the mind of an assiduous seeker of Self-knowledge.
There will be one 90 min class every week. This will consist of a lecture for 75 min and a 15 min Q&A pertaining to the subject matter discussed. Class-room participation is encouraged.
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