This course is part of the following programs:
Admission into a HUA Graduate program of study (MAH or DHS)
In Hinduism and conflict resolution course, the students will:
There is no single textbook dedicated solely to the subject of Hinduism and conflict resolution. Hence, the course adopts an eclectic approach in using different types of material, including Hindu scriptures, books on conflict resolution, books on Hinduism, and audio-visual resources available on the subject.
In the beginning, the students will delve deep into the discipline of conflict resolution that evolved over the past six or seven decades, and explore why and how Hindu perspective has been lacking in the existing discipline. After exploring the nature and scope of the discipline and its lopsided orientation, the students will explore the ideas and processes that caused the evolution of the Hindu worldview through various phases of human history, and how the Hindu approach, drawing its core philosophy from Vedanta, fared despite onslaughts and challenges. After making this historical exploration, the students will study relevant themes from the ancient to the modern period in a chronological order. After exploring Vedanta, they will explore Shanti Parva of Mahabharata and its relevance for conflict resolution. Then they will focus on Kautilya’s Arthashastra and its significance for conflict resolution. After exploring the evolution of Hindu conflict resolution in the ancient period and challenges it confronted afterwards, the students will focus on modern exponents of Hinduism and their contributions to this evolving subject of conflict resolution.
The course material will be provided by the instructor.
There will be 3 contact hours with the faculty every week. The class is structured in a way that promotes discussion and debate based on self-study, research and writing assignments each week. At the end of the course, students will be required to submit a short essay.
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