Managing Back Pain through Holistic Yoga
Course Description:
Yogic Management of Back Pain is a course on learning a holistic approach of healing modality involving yoga practices and concepts. In this course, students will explore the practices of yoga, such as asana (postures) and pranayama (breathing practices), along with the concept of ashtanga yoga and philosophy of yoga through the teachings of Patanjali Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita. Healing is complete when the underlying cause of the disease is removed. This course attempts to bring to light, mind as the potential cause for psychosomatic and chronic diseases.
Yoga is a philosophy-based approach to viewing oneself and the rest of the world with a paradigm-shift to bring lasting happiness through two concepts — Abhyasa (practice) and Vairagya (letting go). The deep-rooted habitual thought patterns require persevering practice (abhyasa). This course attempts to build that perseverance through sustained practice techniques. Attachment to the worldly enjoyment and aversion to the inevitable pain and difficulties in life creates stress. This course attempts to build awareness of the subtle aspects of life that create such stress in the students.
This program covers 5 main curricular points:
- Learn yoga practices for the management of pain conditions.
- Stress and its effects on pain conditions, primarily back pain.
- Role of pranayama and meditation in bringing long-lasting relief from pain conditions.
- Learn about the framework of an integrated approach to yoga for pain management.
- Understand the basics of Ashtanga yoga and its application in wellness and chronic ailment.
Faculty: Shri N.V. Raghuram, Vinutha Kornaya , Ashwini Surpur, Anil Surpur
Area of Study: Yoga Studies
Program: Certificate Program in Hindu Studies / Community Education Program.
Required/Elective: Elective
Prerequisites: None
Start Date: 11 April 2021
End Date: 20 June 2021
Day: Sunday
Time: 07:00 pm EST -09:00 pm EST
Quarter Offered: Spring 2021