Admission into program of study
After taking this course, students will be able to:
We’ll begin the Understanding Hinduphobia course with an analysis of the Working Definition of Hinduphobia, starting with Academia’s master narrative that Hinduism is oppressive, backwards, and irredeemable. We will then examine, through primary and secondary texts, the history of Hinduphobia during the British Colonial era, its concurrent role in the early formation of the United States, and the relationship of these phenomena to an emergent theory about Hinduphobia’s “stickiness.”
This entire study will serve as the foundation for the remainder of the course. We will explore the manifestation and integration of Hinduphobia in social institutions, including school textbooks, news media, entertainment media, social media, and the yoga industry.
The ‘Understanding Hinduphobia’ course is designed to be highly interactive and multimodal. It will be taught in a hybrid lecture/seminar style and will include some guest speakers. Active participation is central to the design, and regular attendance is expected. Each class session will last one hour. Outside of class, students will read primary and secondary texts, identify, and pursue their own inquiry topic, and create multimodal media artifacts as a final project. Required work outside of class will take an average of two hours per week, with the exception of the final project.
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