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In this course Vaisheshika Darshana Part – 1, students will be able to:
This course will have three major components of learning.
Why Vaiśeṣika
Vaisheshika Darshana is a highly practical darśana although it does not stop there. Its final goal is to liberate us from life’s travails. To do that, material welfare is equally important. Not many would aspire for moksha on an empty stomach and impoverished society.
Modern science attempts to study natural phenomena objectively only, removing all personal emotions and values out of the enquiry. Like modern science, Vaiśeṣika also believes in observation, experimentation, and rational inquiry, but it lays a great stress on ‘dharma’ (righteousness).
The first two sūtra put it clearly:
अथातो धर्मं व्याख्यास्याम:। (1.1.1)
athāto dharmaṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ | 1.1.1
We begin by explaining what is dharma (righteousness).
यतोभ्युदयनि:श्रेयससिद्धि: स धर्म:। (1.1.2)
yatobhyudayaniḥśreyasasiddhiḥ sa dharmaḥ | 1.1.2.
That which leads to worldly prosperity and freedom from suffering (mokṣa) is dharma.
Vaiśeṣika says all progress should be made keeping in view the welfare of all people, animals, and environment.
Vaiśeṣika begins with the fundamental elements that matter to us: Dravya (substance), Guṇa (properties of substances), and Karma (our actions and their results). It talks about the building blocks of the universe and concludes that all matter is composed of indivisible ‘aṇu’ (translated as atoms). It shows how these anu combine to make all the solid matter and living beings.
In this age of science and technology, students would gain deep insights by learning Vaisheshika Darshana.
There will be a minimum of 2 contact hour every week. The class is structured in a way that promotes discussion and debate based on self-study and reflection each week. While the content being discussed in each class will be concluded within 90 minutes, the discussion time will be free format, and can continue for an additional 30 minutes maximum. The class structure is aimed to promote learning, self-study, reflection, and discussion every week.
During the course, students will be required answer one assignment at the end of the course. A model question paper would be provided quite early in the course so that the students can take guidance from the instructor if necessary. The students will have to attend and participate in every class except for emergency reasons as it will benefit them in learning most from the class.
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