Sanskrit Vyakarana – 1
Course content
The course provides an overview of the structure, content, and methodology used in Astadhyayi for describing a language. It also explores the computational model of the treatise and introduces the knowledge tradition of vyakarana prior to and post Panini. The course also introduces the alternate arrangement of Astadhyayi in the treatise named Siddhanta-kaumudi that focuses on the conclusions of Panini’s sutras with an illustration of the sections related to the technical terms and rules of interpretation of the sutras.
In this course the students will be able to:
- Understand the architecture of Astadhyayi as a treatise of language structure
- Learn how to interpret Ashtadhyayi text independently
- Comprehend the computational model of Sanskrit grammar as articulated by Astadhyayi
- Appreciate the robustness and holistic excellence of the treatise
- Recognize the convergences and divergences between the Astadhyayi and Siddhanta-kaumudi models and the rationale for such alternate models
- Understand the philosophy of language that provided the concept of apoddhara based on which Panini formulated his Astadhyayi
Area of Study:- Sanskrit Studies
Required / Elective: Required
Prerequisites: Admission into the Masters’ Certificate or MA in Sanskrit Program
Faculty / Instructor: Dr. Tilaka Rao
Start Date:
End Date:
Quarter Offered: Fall Quarter